Education Offerings

Beetlejuice Jr.

Rehearsals Begin: First week of June, 2025
Performances: June 26th - June 29th, 2025
Youth and high school performers will have opportunities to participate in this Junior Lakers production. More details on the character breakdown to come!

Age Range: Late Elementary to the High School Level. All performers must be 18 years old or under to participate.

Production Fee: $300 per student, with a discounted rate of $250 per student for families enrolling multiple siblings. This fee covers a comprehensive experience, including a full design team from our Resident Company and a professional Director and Choreographer from New York to lead the project. Modeled after our mainstage productions, this program provides young performers with a gateway to professional training in a fun and well-structured environment, ensuring high-quality production amenities and artistic guidance throughout. 

Excited to join Beetlejuice Jr. but feel a barrier introduced by the fee? We’re here to help! Reach out to us about our work-study opportunities, designed to make participation accessible by reducing the cost. Let’s work together to get you involved!


TLP Reads

TLP Reads is a series of books read by Timber Lake Playhouse Teaching Artists for parents to use with their children. Partnered teachers from around the country use these videos as a part of their reading curriculum. These books are targeted for primary and elementary reading levels.